
Senior Performance Analyst

Stein Hugus, CIPM

Compliance & Business Administration Team










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Senior Performance Analyst

Stein Hugus, CIPM

Compliance & Business Administration Team

My job focuses on performance measurement. I’m responsible for updating and validating performance returns, and properly reflecting firm performance in marketing materials. Earning the CIPM® (Certificate in Investment Performance MeasurementTM) has deepened my level of understanding with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®).

Telling the company story with presentations, graphics, and marketing materials is an important part of my job, too. I’m thrilled when our story resonates with clients and prospects.

We’re family oriented. I worked at Boeing out of college, so the comparison is stark. Everyone truly cares and helps one another here.

I enjoy spending time with my wife and two daughters. We love being in nature and camping with family and friends.

“I make sure our performance return calculations are correct. You’re nothing if your numbers are not valid.”


BA in Business Administration, with an emphasis in Finance
Western Washington University



Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement™ (CIPM®) from the CFA Institute

Member, CFA Institute